For the past 8 years I have been one of the 3 volunteers at a feeding station of a colony of feral and abandoned cats.
The colony, located at the end of a parking lot has anywhere between 38-48 cats. We feed twice a day 365 day a year. We do our best to help all of them and few times a year go thru the process of trapping, neutering and releasing to control the population growth. The tamed and/or abandoned cats are taken to veterinarians as if they were our pets, when problems arises, and given daily medications if need be.
All the volunteers have taken some cats home at one time or another when the animal needed extra care. We are organized in our feeding schedule and I happen to be the weekends and holidays feeder. A dog that reside in the same parking lot is also part of the feeding schedule. Each volunteers pays for the food out of their own pocket, same for the veterinarian bills. We have couple of extra, one mystery feeder, that fill in at times. AdvoCats, a non-profit organization, has also helped us with their free spay and neutered clinics.